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At Westend Hospital we understand the need of our patients to have family, friends, and well-wishers come around to provide support to their loved ones while in the hospital especially during moments of critical health conditions. However, our patients may designate visitors of their choosing, including a person to be present for emotional support during the course of the patient's stay whether or not the visitor is related by blood or marriage, unless no visitors are allowed.

  • Patients and Visitors coming into the hospital are REQUIRED to state their purpose of visit, Washing/Sanitizing hands upon entry and exit are COMPULSORY.
  • Patients for treatment, immunization, and other Outpatient services should be directed FIRST to the Out-patient Department, Patients coming only to buy drugs or run tests are to be directed to the APPROPRIATE department. Customers visiting the cafeteria should be directed to the cafeteria ONLY.
  • Visitors of admitted patients in the in-patient facility are only to be permitted access within visiting hours (2 pm – 4 pm & 6 pm – 7 pm) and the number of visitors per visit and per patient must not be exceeded. Children under 5 years are discouraged from visiting for health reasons. If unavoidably present, they must be supervised, and sanitary precautions observed.
  • Visitors of staff members or any of the Management team (including the Chairman or MD) must call such staff before the visit and will only be allowed entry after confirmation by such staff. For visitors of the Chairman, a confirmation of visit must be obtained from his Personal Assistant before access is granted in each case they are required to fill the Visitor’s ledger upon entry and exit.
  • Visitors of staff and management are to be escorted by the security men to the designated office/department. Visiting in hallways in the patient care area is prohibited.
  • Unaccompanied minors under (the age of 16 will not be allowed entry into the hospital. Parents are expected to properly supervise their children/wards and ensure they do not wander around the hospital. The hospital will not be responsible for the welfare of minors left unsupervised.
  • Patients and Visitors are advised to be considerate and keep noise levels down at all times. Maintain low voice tones in all areas of the hospital and avoid running up and down the halls.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol and illicit drug use is BANNED on hospital premises.
  • Patients/Visitors are fully responsible for their personal belongings and any loss is at the owner’s risk except for certain items kept in the care of hospital security. The hospital will not be held liable for missing or misplaced belongings.
  • Fighting and violent disagreements on hospital premises are frowned upon. Physical and verbal abuse of staff is PROHIBITED. Report all personal and service complaints to the Operations Manager.

We appreciate your cooperation and we thank you for Choosing Westend Hospital.