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A phobia is an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, overwhelming fear of a stimulus or circumstance. Fear quickly starts to set in as a result.

Fears are more subtle than phobias. They emerged when a person had an exaggerated or irrational feeling of danger about a particular item or circumstance.

Specific phobia

Put simply, these are phobias that are related to the fear of a specific situation. A subset of specific phobias includes the following: Environment type, blood infection type, injury type, circumstance type, and other forms of phobias that don't fall within the categories listed above. Most phobia victims are aware that their fear is unfounded. However, when they are exposed to their phobia, they will feel intense anxiety. Typically, childhood and adolescence are stages in one’s life when phobias first appear. While this may not always hold, it is a common observation that phobias get milder as people mature.

Social phobias

This is a type of phobia where an individual dread’s being in social situations that could put one in a humiliating or embarrassing position. Situations like public speaking contests, spelling bees, and other competitions may trigger this anxiety.


People with this type of phobia are typically introverts who become housebound because they don't want to leave their comfort zones. Agoraphobia is the fear of being in public places or crowded places without an easy means of escaping.

  • A traumatic or unfortunate event
  • Early life circumstances and experiences
  • Geneology

Symptoms and signs

It is recommended that you seek out assistance immediately if you develop the following symptom; laziness, shakiness, lightheadedness, feeling of deep perspiration, palpitations or an elevated heart rate, difficulty breathing tremors, trembling, and uneasy stomach ache.

Estimated Time

Specific phobias in children can be transient issues that go away in a few months. About 80% of newly developed phobias in adults progress to chronic (long-term) illnesses that persist in the absence of effective therapy.


Fear cannot be stopped once it begins. However, treatment can lessen the disorder's detrimental effects.


Depending on the phobia, the typical course of treatment involves a mix of psychotherapy and medication. Exposure therapy or desensitization therapy is an example of psychotherapy.

It entails progressively increasing your exposure to the item you fear, at your speed, in safe surroundings. As you are exposed to the object, you are taught how to regulate your fear by calming down, controlling your breathing, or using other anxiety-relieving techniques. Your doctor can suggest an antianxiety drug to cure phobias temporarily. Medication use can be beneficial if the phobia is only sporadically triggered, as in the case of a fear of swimming.

An individual's phobias may cause them real and enduring pain. However, they are typically treatable, and the cause of dread is frequently avertable.

One thing that people with phobias should never be frightened of is asking for help.